I learned how quickly
I learned how quickly I actually released my shot off the dribble. I know that’s something I work on, and really use in games, but I didn’t know exactly how quick it was, down to like the millisecond. Stephen Curry
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I learned how quickly I actually released my shot off the dribble. I know that’s something I work on, and really use in games, but I didn’t know exactly how quick it was, down to like the millisecond. Stephen Curry
I have fun out there on the court, smiling, laughing, trying to have good demeanor. Stephen Curry
Honestly, I could care less about other people’s opinions about me. Stephen Curry
It’s really annoying for me. That’s not what I’m playing for, to be the face of the NBA or to be this or that or to take LeBron’s throne or whatever. Stephen Curry
I’m 6’3″ and 185 pounds on a good day, so I probably relate more to the casual fan who watches the game and is not super athletic, not this crazy monster of physical stature. Stephen Curry
On the court, I want to try and get to the free-throw line a little more. And as a point guard, you can always get better at your decision-making and limiting your mistakes. Stephen Curry
I prepare to the point where instinct takes over… Stephen Curry
For me, I don’t want to cheat the game by saying, or kind of doing lip service by saying, I want to be the greatest ever. I want to be able to show it. Stephen Curry
Shooting the ball is a part of the game. Everybody can shoot in their own way. Not everybody can make. But everybody can shoot. Stephen Curry
I think about the milestones from my childhood and what it will be like to watch our kids go through them. Taking Riley to her first day of school was a whirlwind. I can’t imagine what middle school is going to be like, and high school, and graduation. Stephen Curry