First, say to yourself what
First, say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do. Life is a grindstone. Whether it wears you down or polishes you up depends on what YOU are made of. – Zig Ziglar
Cool Quotes for everyone
First, say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do. Life is a grindstone. Whether it wears you down or polishes you up depends on what YOU are made of. – Zig Ziglar
Define your priorities, know your values and believe in your purpose. Only then can you effectively share yourself with others. Les Brown
The best way to help a man increase his output is to help build the man. Help him increase his stature as a man, and he will just naturally do better-on the job and off. Earl Nightingale
Building a better you is the first step to building a better America. – Zig Ziglar