We all walk in the dark
We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light. Earl Nightingale
Cool Quotes for everyone
We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light. Earl Nightingale
Today, you expand or you are expendable. Les Brown
Doing great requires that we become great people, and all of us can become great people. Les Brown
Now let’s say that the farmer has two seeds in his. Earl Nightingale
As you reach your goals, set new ones. That is how you grow and become a more powerful person. Les Brown
Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. – Tony Robbins
We only learn our limits by going beyond them. I propose that we all commit ourselves to the process of Constant and Never ending Improvement. – Tony Robbins
The best way to help a man increase his output is to help build the man. Help him increase his stature as a man, and he will just naturally do better-on the job and off. Earl Nightingale
In order to be happy, human beings must feel they are continuing to grow. Clearly, we must adopt the concept of continuous improvement as a daily principle. – Tony Robbins
A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. Earl Nightingale