Don’t wait for change. You
Don’t wait for change. You change. Earl Nightingale
Cool Quotes for everyone
Don’t wait for change. You change. Earl Nightingale
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity. Earl Nightingale
We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret. Earl Nightingale
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Earl Nightingale
People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. Earl Nightingale
Dream what you dare to dream. Go where you want to go. Be what you want to be. Earl Nightingale
If you spend an extra hour each day of study in your chosen field you will be a national expert in that field in five years or less. Earl Nightingale
Control your thoughts. Decide about that which you will think and concentrate upon. You are in charge of your life to the degree you take charge of your thoughts. Earl Nightingale
Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death. Earl Nightingale
Instead of competing, all we have to do is create. Earl Nightingale