Never compete
Never compete, create. Earl Nightingale
Cool Quotes for everyone
Never compete, create. Earl Nightingale
We are all self-made, but only the successful will admit it. Earl Nightingale
A great attitude is not the result of success; success is the result of a great attitude. Earl Nightingale
Whatever the majority of people is doing, under any given circumstances, if you do the exact opposite, you will probably never make another mistake as long as you live. Earl Nightingale
By being persistent, you’re demonstrating faith. Persistence is simply another word for faith. If you didn’t have faith, you’d never persist. Earl Nightingale
Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Earl Nightingale
Your world is a living expression of how you are using and have used your mind. Earl Nightingale
Watch what everyone else does – do the opposite. The majority is always wrong. Earl Nightingale
Visualization is the human being’s vehicle to the future – good, bad, or indifferent. It’s strictly in our control. Earl Nightingale