Do something about your
Do something about your life now. Les Brown
Cool Quotes for everyone
Do something about your life now. Les Brown
Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill. – Zig Ziglar
We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams. Les Brown
If you don’t like your situation in life, don’t fret or worry–do something about it. Worry less, and act more. If you don’t like your situation in life, don’t fret or worry–do something about it. Worry less, and act more.
The best way to deal with procrastination is to postpone it. – Tony Robbins
Expect change. Analyze the landscape. Take the opportunities. Stop being the chess piece; become the player. It’s your move. – Tony Robbins
Most people stand on the dock of life waiting for their ship to come in when deep down inside they know it has never left port. – Zig Ziglar
What you do today can change all the tomorrows of your life. What you do today can change all the tomorrows of your life.
The one thing that separates winners from the losers, is, winners take action. – Tony Robbins
Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try. Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.